Lean Competition®

The realistic simulation of a production process

A customizable format to raise awareness of Lean business and corporate teams.

The Lean Competition is a realistic simulation of a production process in which the members of each team are the Process owners. Each participant, in addition to being an operational part of the production process, will have to decide together with their team what improvement actions to take to increase the performance of their company.

Sintesia lean competition

The originality of the game lies in the inseparable union of a decision phase upstream of each round of the game and the subsequent practical implementation of the decisions taken; this allows participants to have a real feedback of the improvements that Lean Transformation techniques involve.

Each team represents a company in a virtual marketplace, so subject to external variables that make the simulation realistic and compelling.

Lean Competition represents an opportunity to test the problem solving and team working skills of participants in a highly realistic, competitive and topical context. The format, customizable for companies, allows to raise awareness of Lean issues operators and managers, while promoting team building.

The Lean Competition is the result of a collaboration between Sintesia and JEst, Junior Enterprise of Management Engineering in Vicenza.

For further information, please visit the web site of JEst, Junior Enterprise.

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