Lean Factory

We learn from experience

Whatever we're trying to learn, we always learn from experience.

Corso di officina snella di sintesia

Lean Factory was created with the aim of giving the territory concrete tools to increase the competitiveness of the company by leveraging one of the fundamental lean principles: the involvement of everyone.

Lean Factory is a one-day experiential training course in which participants work, analyse and improve a real production process.

During the course, the group of participants undertake a path that through short theory sessions and the immediate implementation of Lean concepts, makes them understand the differences between a production process organized in a traditional way and a lean production process.

Participants learn how to analyse production processes to recognize waste , evaluate the improvements to be applied, and experience first-hand the positive impact of Lean techniques.

Corso di officina snella sintesia

The main target groups of this course are:

  • Entrepreneurs and Managers who would like to start applying Lean Organization in the Company and who have only heard about it until now.
  • People who work in Companies and Organizations that have already embarked on the path of change and need to be trained on the principles of the Lean philosophy to work in improvement projects.

Already more than 1500 people from over 400 different companies and organizations have participated in Lean Factory, experiencing the benefits of Lean implementation.

Join in!

For further information, please visit the web site: www.officinasnella.it

Lean experience factory di sintesia